Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 1.1


I'm back! Apparently what appears too good to be true...probably is. Turns out Arizona isn't all that interested in a relationship - or at least, not one with me. So be it. We had some absolutely wonderful dates, I really liked him and saw potential which is, as you probably know by now, more than I've really felt in years of dating so all in all - a successful first attempt at eharmony.

For anyone wanting more details...I don't think he was over being married and not looking to move forward at the pace I was. A date once a month isn't enough for me. For a guy on eharmony I made the assumption he wanted a relationship and in all of our dates he sounded like he did. But actions speak louder than words. And he seemed a bit self-absorbed - not that I'm going to trash him because he wasn't that into me, but he was - ask my friends. haha! We all get busy but at the end of the day that's just an excuse. If you like someone, you find time to be with them. I'm a bit confused about the whole Arizona situation and haven't had the closure that I do kind of want. I still think there's a phone call I'm going to make to him. I do like him and I know he likes me. So maybe I'll make the call to leave the door open for perhaps another time...or maybe I won't. I'll keep you posted. For interests sake, he is still on eharmony and has changed a couple of words in his profile so I know it's at least an active account...wierd that we could still communicate via the site but that seems very weird and I won' be doing that!

I said I wasn't going to try it again - eharmony that is - or at least not right away. I thought maybe I'd try again in the winter when there are fewer patios to sit on and more hours at the computer. And then...eharmony sent me a coupon I couldn't resist. 3 months for the price of the first one I already tried. And frankly, there was another guy in "real life" I saw a couple of times but it wasn't right either, so I've got nothing else going on...why not? You have to hand it to them, those marketers, they really know how to lure you in and keep you! But to be fair, my first experience was really positive and I've been telling everyone that's curious to go for it, that you have nothing really to lose, so I'm listening to my own advice. And if there is something I learned from this first go around, it's that I am ready and actively looking for a great guy to share my life with - for however long, but I am looking. I know they say you find someone when you aren't looking but that hasn't worked for me either!

I missed the blog too. Not that I would trade it for a relationship but I have enjoyed the self-discovery that comes from relating this experience and saying it out loud. As an analytical gal I have really enjoyed it and getting me writing every day has been good for me.

So I've started the days over with 1.1 and will let you know how it goes! Waiting for my first matches to come through...wish me luck!

Tally for Day 1.1...

Eharmony relationships failed: 1
Optimism for another go at it: limitless!

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