Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 17.1


Two dates folks. Two dates next week! *Detroit and *Yarmouth both asked me to have coffee once we hit the "open communication" stage. Intelligent conversations with both of them, two very different guys so we'll see if there's a spark! There's potential with both. Wish me luck!

I am waiting to hear from *Johannesburg again. He has looked at my profile a couple of times but not answered my short answer questions. I wonder what he's thinking or if he's talking to someone else and is waiting to see what happens with them. I've certainly done that! I actually did that with him for over a month! But for some reason I'm curious about him so I'm still hoping to hear from him.

*Sacramento and I are at the point where he can open communication and we can talk freely over email but he hasn't. I don't really care, I'm following through only because of our real world connection. I'll keep you posted.

One of the other guys I have been communicating with but haven't mentioned is *Rochester. We've taken our time over the last couple of weeks going through the steps. He certainly is self-assured - not quite cocky - self-assured. He seems to know who he is or thinks he does anyway. Sometimes he says things that sit a little off with me and then he says something in his answers that connects right to me, reaches beyond this process and into real life, has a definite charm. Hard to explain. Why haven't I mentioned him before? The former part of that sentence really, but as we've moved along, he is peaking my curiosity. So now it's up to him to open communication if he likes my last answers to his short answer questions.

There are a couple of new matches I'd like to hear from but so far I've kept to my decision to not initiate, let them chase to begin with - we'll see if I stick to that!

Tally for Day 17.1...

Real Dates Impending Next Week: 2!!
Open Communication Pending: 2

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