Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 16


Here's where the online world gets a little weird for me. This constant access and ability to see what someone is doing when they aren't communicating with you is weird. Or maybe just needs some getting used to...

So I had a great conversation with *Arizona yesterday - initiated by a text from me and what I kind of thought might result in a call back from him - which it did. We talked for 25 minutes and solidified plans for next week. He was on his way to his brother's and I was on my way to a friend's birthday party...

I logged into eharmony this morning - out of curiosity, it's become part of a routine of sorts. I had 9 new matches today - none worth mentioning. But here's the my "match update" section it says *Arizona updated his profile. So I looked, he's added two pictures. - yesterday, after we talked as far as I know. He hasn't been to my profile since Friday and I hadn't been to his either but now he's going to know I looked at his.

In no way do I expect that he's done with eharmony any more than I am. I think it might frighten me more to know after one date and a couple of conversations that he was ready to throw in the towel on dating, as romantic a gesture as that might be... But that doesn't change the fact that it's strange. And now he'll see that I looked at him, which means that he knows I was a) on the eharmony site and b) he may realize I know he changed his profile.

I guess it's just that in real life I wouldn't know any of these things. Perhaps it would be the same if were were facebook friends, stalking each other as seems to be the norm for people these days. And yet the difference is we're both on a fairly serious dating site and can see at least in little ways, whether the other has been on it or not. Ignorance might have some bliss to it yet...

I know, I'm blogging about him and he doesn't even know and that might become a much bigger issue than the small fact that we're both still looking at eharmony. And at some point, this might all come out in the wash. I'm sharing only in the interests of somewhat full disclosure that I'm still finding parts of this whole process weird and difficult.

But, ultimately, I'm going to trust in the fact that I'm so excited to see him in a couple of days and am already thinking about the time after that...

Wish me luck!

Tally for Day 16:

New Matches Worth Mentioning: 0
Weird Insecurities and Nerves Showing: Some ;-)

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