Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 8


I accepted *Arizona's fast track request. He wrote a really nice email about liking my profile and he thinks he gets where I'm coming from so would like to talk to me, the steps feeling a bit unnecessary to him. After I accepted that first message he wrote me another one saying he's glad I accepted the open communication and sent me his number to call whenever is good for me. It makes me nervous to be the one to call but it is what is recommended by the site, that the guy give his number to the girl to call when she's comfortable - other advice, just for interest's sake...that the first conversation should be only around 15 minutes. Interesting, not entirely sure why but they seem to have something here so I'll see if that makes sense after we talk. Maybe I'll call him tomorrow...or Monday.

Nothing from *Boston. I'm thinking he's not sure about me or has someone (or someone's!) he's talking to instead. I get this feeling because he was all over me in the beginning of the week, initiating, getting right back to me and now this lull...I guess we'll see.

No answers from *Chicago either but he hasn't been in to look at my profile today.

*Seattle and I exchanged "MH/CS" and they're seemingly compatible. I just don't have any real feelings about him or for him. I'm not sure I should keep talking to him. Or maybe I should try the short answers and see what I think then. That is the thing about this online format, there's no investment and if you hurt each others feelings there aren't any real repercussions because you've never spoken or met. I'll think about it for another day or so.

9 new matches today. Several of them didn't have pictures. One of them sent me a "just wanted to say hi" icebreaker but there's no picture! If he sends me first questions I'll request one. Other than that, nothing new worth mentioning.

Tally for Day 8:

Fast Track Accepted by me: 1 !!
Emails Received Under Open Communication: 2 !!
New Matches Worth Mentioning: 0

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